Father's Day Voucher Terms and Conditions
- Vouchers are not redeemable for cash and will not be replaced if lost, stolen, destroyed or used without permission.
- Are transferrable.
- Can only be purchased from Mount High.
- Can only be redeemed against a single new booking.
- The Father's Day 70-80% off vouchers expire 1-year after lodge re-opening on 1 July 2020 (by the latest 1 July 2021). These can be redeemed against any available dates, provided it agrees with the following:
- 80% discount applies to Pay 1, Stay 5 nights, with only 1 voucher available per house.
- 75% discount applies to Pay 1, Stay 4 nights, with only 1 voucher available per house.
- 70% discount applies to Pay 1, Stay 3 nights and get 1 complimentary meal, with only 1 voucher available per house.
- The above 6 vouchers are redeemable for a weekday stay (Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday).
- Vouchers are not redeemable between the period of 18 December 2020 – 3 January 2021.
- There are only 3 vouchers available for Nyala House and 3 vouchers for Manor House.
- Mount High’s Standard Terms and Conditions applies to each house purchased with these vouchers.
- Consecutive Days: This voucher is for consecutive nights, unless the supplier is prepared to agree otherwise with you.
- When confirming your booking dates with Mount High to redeem your voucher, please refer to our "Check Availability" or "Book Now" buttons to check availability of dates.
- In the event of any unforeseen circumstances that prohibit Mount High Luxury Country House from providing the accommodation or services for the abovementioned vouchers, Mount High will refund the vouchers in full.
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